Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the inside: Yesenia

My name is Yesenia, and I am a believer working on my recovery.  My life before Christ and recovery was sad, full of confusion and I felt disoriented.  There were times when I felt resentment towards society and I tried to fill the void with alcohol or other kinds of drugs. I knew that God existed but I didn’t have a relationship with Him.  I never looked for Him and I didn’t trust others who did know Him.  I was insecure and very unhappy. 
Losing both of my parents while being incarcerated has been the lowest point in my life; my heart hurts.  I was invited to attend the YUGO Bible Study called “Celebrate Recovery”.  It was there that I met with Christ and asked Him to be my Savior. My confidence started to grow. The CR program has given me tools to deal with traumas in my life. I’m learning to give everything over to God.  Through the program I was able to discover that while I am an adult I was still suffering and holding on to past hurts deep within my heart.  The divorce of my parents was still causing me pain but I was never able to talk about it but I was given the opportunity while going through the CR program. This was something that marked my life and I had been unable to overcome it, until now.  I also can share with you that now that I know God, my insecure and distrustful life is gone and I can admit that I need help. I have the courage to recognize my faults; I accept the consequences of my actions and recognize that they are because of making wrong choices.
I am learning to walk by faith, believing that God loves me enough to send His Son to die for my sins. With the Holy Spirit as my Helper I am being guided in truth.  One of the benefits of working through the CR program is that I feel set free from the guilt and condemnation that I had before. I depend on the wisdom of God to guide my steps and He has given me the opportunity to share this with others just beginning their recovery process. I have also been able to share the good news about the hope that is found only through Jesus Christ to my family.

Thank you for letting me share.

*names have been changed to protect identity*

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the inside: Yolanda

My name is Yolanda and I am a believer in recovery. I struggle with the memories of my past and the words that I choose to speak.  Before starting my recovery process I was filled with hatred, resentment and I had a thirst for vengeance.  When it came to getting what I wanted I would stop at nothing, thinking that I could do it in my own strength. I felt superior to others. I was good and considerate to those who were poor but to those who had money I was arrogant and rude. My thought of God was that he would help only a certain kind of person. I allowed my husband to abuse me physically and sexually and when I had to be taken to the hospital I justified the beating; I never had the courage to say “no” to my husband, this was about the lowest point in my life. 

With this as my background I came to prison.  One day while I was in my cell I saw a group of women enter the prison and they started handing out hot dogs to a group of inmates. I asked permission to go and was told that I would have to listen to the teaching of the group.  I went thinking that all I really needed was a hot dog.  I was wrong.  I learned quickly that I needed God in my life. I needed forgiveness and His healing touch. Who would have thought that a simple little hot dog would be the way that God captured my attention and get me on the path of recovery.

Accepting Christ into my heart was the best decision I have ever made. I am a blessed woman because I am saved from eternal death. I am blessed because I know Jesus as my Savior.  CR has helped me overcome my insecurities and my life is gradually changing for the good. I say gradually because there is so much more to do in my life but God and I are working on my anger and controlling my impulses. I am learning to recognize my mistakes and apologize when necessary. I am learning how to make amends.  God continues to make big changes in my life and heart – I am far from perfect but I am fighting the good fight and in the process God is teaching me to depend on Him for everything. The insecurity, hatred and resentment that ruled my life before now has been changed by a constant security that comes from God alone.  I am learning to be honest and transparent.

One of the many benefits of working through the CR program is that I now have life mentors. I am learning to have faith, strength, hope and love. I have learned to forgive and receive forgiveness.  Today I encourage those just starting out on their own path of recovery and I am able to share the Good News of God’s love to my family.  I feel called to share the blessing of God’s love with everyone.

Thank you for letting me share and may God bless you.

*names have been changed to protect identity*