Thursday, December 15, 2016

Road to Recovery - December 2016

When the end of another year comes around I often find myself looking back and thinking "WOW, what a great year" and being surprised with all that took place.  This year I reminded myself that of course it was a great year ... God went before us, was beside us and hemmed us in from the back. When we walk with God be rest assured it's going to be GREAT!

 On October 22nd we spent the day at Calvary Chapel Rosarito's One Day Information Seminar on Why we use Celebrate Recovery materials and what a wonderful day it was.  Upon arrival we were greeted warmly by Alex and Olivia who were manning the Welcoming Table.  Their genuine smiles and heartfelt laughter was a welcome sight for all.  They gave us our brochure for the day and a meal ticket and pointed us in the direction of the Information Table.

Karla and Lorena were the ladies with the answers. 
If you had a question regarding Celebrate Recovery; these ladies were ready to give you an answer in Spanish or English.  T-shirts, books and study guides were available for purchase, postcard invitations were handed out and information brochures were all available.  Lorena also shared her testimony with us – it's wonderful to see how God works, moves and shapes us for His glory.
Jesse was our MC for the day. 

He welcomed us, shared how the day was going to proceed and introduced our speakers for the day.

Rod Hoople was our main speaker.  He walked us through the 12 steps and the 8 Principles of Celebrate Recovery; sharing with us from his own personal experiences.  He shared passionately about the ministry that he and his wife, Cheryl, have been called to lead.  We had the opportunity to experience a small group setting where our facilitator lead us through Step 1.  This was harder than we all thought it was going to be but it was definitely worth it.  There was a question and answer time and we closed the day off with saying the Serenity Prayer in Spanish and in English.
The One Day Celebrate Recovery Seminar was a great day. It was filled to the brim with smiles, laughter, warm hugs and opportunities for prayer.  We encourage you to check them out on Thursday nights at Calvary Chapel Rosarito for Open and Share groups starting at 7pm.
Thank you Celebrate Recovery Team!
A Testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the Inside: Beatrice

My name is Beatrice, I am a believer in Jesus Christ in recovery and I battle with anger, sadness and doubt.

Before my recovery I had a lot of resentment towards my family because I was rejected due to my disability.  My self-esteem was low because I did not received love or protection and didn’t understand why God made me this way.

I married a man who loved and treated me good; he even let me go to church.  I didn’t know God and was easily dominated by the things of this world and that is why I failed.  Not only did I fail God but also my husband as I had an affair. The lowest point in my life was when I neglected my daughter to the point that she died. Her death is the reason I am in prison.

Today although it doesn’t make sense I thank God for being here because I have been able to really get to know Him. I was invited to the Celebrate Recovery Program and I realized I wasn’t the only one suffering, I identified with all the participating inmates.  I have been able to forgive and the communication with my family has gotten better.  I have learned to trust and know God, I know He loves me and I am important to Him.  Principle 2 says “Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to him, and that he has the power to help me recover.”

I thank God for the Celebrate Recovery Program because my heart is being restored little by little.  I thank God for my group and the sisters from YUGO because they come with lots of love not only to share the lesson but because they strive to provide us with our basic needs.
Thank you for letting me share.
From our hearts to yours we extend our warmest greetings and sincerest thanks for all that you have done for us in 2016.  May our God bless you during this Christmas season and in 2017.

Feliz Navidad

Friday, December 2, 2016

Year End Giving 2016

Here is your opportunity to be part of something BIG!
When you donate to YUGO’s Recovery Ministry you join our cause in supporting those who struggle with hurts, habits and hang-ups. Your donation is making a difference in the lives of the Mexican people.
One of our greatest gifts is seeing people’s lives changing as they are set free from their "hurts, habits, and hang-ups", including but not exclusive to: high anxiety; co-dependency; compulsive behaviors; financial dysfunction; drug, alcohol and sexual addictions and eating disorders, by applying the Eight Principles and 12 Steps of the Christ centered Celebrate Recovery program in their lives.

Flor comes from a very broken background and has been faithfully attending the Celebrate Recovery Step Studies.  Her spiritual growth encourages us week after week.. Recently, Flor’s daughter America went through the waters of baptism. Just two months earlier America was in a coma after trying to take her own life.  She felt hopeless.

Please join us in prayer as we train up leaders so we can launch The Landing which is Celebrate Recovery’s youth program. The Landing is for teenagers who are struggling to live their lives in a healthy, God-honoring way. Our prayer is that The Landing can help foster hope, truth and joy as teenagers like America can come to a safe, place where they can live a freer, healthier, and more God-centered life.

This year we equipped pastors and church leadership in East Tijuana and Ensenada on how to launch the Celebrate Recovery program in their local churches. Our Recovery Ministry team continues to serve in the Ensenada Prison and Calvary Chapel Rosarito. Many were baptized after receiving Jesus into their hearts. We also hosted several fellowship events to encourage and foster friendships for our Celebrate Recovery participants. All of this was done because you gave so generously.

Sandra, Lorena and Karla. 
Three ladies called by God to share from their hearts, use their gifts and serve Him through the Recovery Ministry.  They are passionate about their calling and faithfully serve week after week.  These three ladies are on our payroll and your donation to the Recovery Ministry allow them to continue to do the good work of bringing wholeness into the lives of those around them.
Our greatest need in the New Year is to find more monthly donors so we can continue to see lives change. Become a monthly donor and you too can be part of changing a person’s life for eternity.

The Recovery Ministry is currently sitting at 77% of the monthly support needed to run the ministry.  Every donation is truly appreciated.

Donations received on or before December 31st will be eligible for a 2016 tax receipt.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the Inside: Alexandria

My name is Alexandria and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ in recovery of drugs, resentment, revenge and rejection.

I suffered rejection by my father and other family members so I chose to isolate from people. I was very quiet, was scared, had a very low self-esteem and I felt ugly.  My grandmother from my mother’s side raised me because my parents didn’t take care of me.  That was my childhood up to my adolescence. At the age of 15 I met the guy who I married and had 2 children.  Our marriage was good until one day my husband started to consume drugs with another woman and started cheating on me.  When I found out I didn’t know how to react besides we didn’t have God in our lives so I decided to get drugged with him just like his lover so he would not leave me. And instead of me helping him out of his addiction I sank with him.  Drugs trapped me and what started as revenge ended up by destroying my life and I dragged my kids with me. When I realized it I was worse than my husband and then it was me who abandoned him.  My husband tried to help but he didn’t know how, by then drugs controlled my life and that’s how I started ruining my life.  All I wanted was to get high and didn’t care how I achieve it, if it was by stealing or by prostituting me. I began selling drugs and got involved with people I never imagine in my life.  I saw horrible things in which I participated sometimes, my feelings disappeared and I cared for nobody. My lowest point was when I got my kids involved in selling drugs because for me it was very normal.  I am in prison because I committed a homicide and when I got here I thought my life came to end but I was wrong because it was barely starting.  I was invited to a group called Celebrate Recovery where through a program God is restoring my life.  God is dealing with my life in an impressive way, I have discovered God’s love and I have been able to feel freedom even behind these bars because they do not keep me from feeling the joy God gives me day by day.  I have learned in Celebrate Recovery to turn to God the hate, resentment and the pain to my only higher power Jesus Christ. I do not feel I am a slave to sin and in my heart there is peace and joy.
 God restored my relationship with my mom.  I am getting to know God and I want more, I know he has a plan for my life and I know that the way he fixed and rescued my life he will do the same for my children because they are not doing good.  Today I know that for God nothing is impossible and I have put my freedom from this prison in his hands I know he has the perfect timing.  God bless you and thank you for letting me share.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the Inside: Evelyn

My name is Evelyn and I am a believer in recovery. I struggle with co-dependency issues and addictions.
Growing up as the youngest of 8 children I know I was loved and protected. My childhood was a happy time despite the fact that we had problems just like everyone else.  We attended the Catholic Church so I had some understanding of God.  As children we loved and respected our parents – my mom and I were close.
As I got older, I started making other friends and my relationship with my mom became distant. I met somebody and married him; we had two children together. All I cared about was taking good care of my family and trying to give my children the best.
I finished school and started a career as a primary school teacher. My husband helped me with the kids but sometimes he had to work out of town. We were having problems in our marriage soI started going out and having fun with my friends. I started having health problems and doctors diagnosed me with HIV. After being diagnosed I fell into depression and did not care about anything anymore. I decided to seek God, but that was temporary and I continued having problems with my husband.
I changed jobs and met a woman who was a lesbian; I got involved with her and left my husband. My son stayed with my husband and I took my baby girl with me. Everything seemed to go well in our relationship but after a time she started beating me for talking with my ex-husband. She managed to alienate me from my family; she could not bear to share me with anyone else. Our relationship was violent and for many years I allowed my daughter to be a part of it.
Our relationship got really bad and I asked God to give me a sign to show me if I was making a mistake by being with my partner. Two days later, my partner killed my daughter and I ended up in prison accused of murdering my daughter. My partner escaped and I was in shock dealing with the death of my daughter.
I ask God to help me and repented and ask for forgiveness for everything I had done in my life.  I cried. Four days after arriving in prison, someone sent me a Bible and I began to read it. I remember the first verse I read was Jeremiah 29:11 & 13 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen.  If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."
I realized that God had a purpose for my life, and if I was in prison it was for a reason. As I read the Bible, I began to understand that God was always present in my life.  But I choose to go my own direction and was disobedient to Him. I renounced lesbianism from my life and gradually He set me free.
I started attending the Celebrate Recovery Group and this has been one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.  Now thanks to the program I have become a new person. I have learned to recognize that I cannot find recovery alone. Only the Lord Jesus Christ is the one who can help me live a better life. I have learned that He has the power to forgive all our sins, I may have relapses but even in those times He will never leave me alone. The only thing I have to do is ask Him for help and He will help me. It was very difficult to let go of the guilt and to forgive myself and the person who killed my daughter. God is so merciful and I have already given Him that part of my heart. I know He's working with me every day.
The Personal Inventory lesson was very difficult for me. I had to write out many things that caused me pain when they were reopened. I asked God to help me and I began to write. I could not stop crying.  I know He is the one who has been healing my heart. I thank God for allowing me to remember everything so He could bring the healing that I needed. I thank God for giving me another chance to live.
Today, I can say that God has transformed me. Being charged with my daughter’s death has brought me closer to Him.  Each time when I am facing, I ask God to give me the strength to continue on. The most amazing thing is that He gives me the strength to resist and move forward.
I am now totally convinced that I will serve God and He is has the best in store for my life. Little by little I am being reunited with my family. They love and support me.   They have also seen the changes that have occurred in my life and are happy for me. Thank you for letting me share.
*Names have been changed to protect their identity.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the Inside: Claudia

My name is Claudia and I am a believer in recovery who struggles with guilt.

My life has been full of rebellion.  Drugs and tattoos were what my friends and I liked. My attitude towards others was defensive and my relationship with God was distant and empty.

The lowest point in my life was when I arrived in prison.  It turns out though that coming to prison was the best thing for me.  It wasn’t until I came here that I realized in order to put my life back together I need the help of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit has been working in my heart to break the hardness in me. Celebrate Recovery has helped me to open my heart and mind to God so that He can change me.  I have also experienced the love of my sisters in Christ through the CR program.

Principle 1 touched my heart in a special way – Realize I am not God; I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and my life is unmanageable.
It wasn’t until I recognized that I was not God and that I had zero power to change myself – then I was able to start my new life with Him.

I am now able to feel the pain of others, I can accept others without judging them and I can even pray for those who hurt me in the past.  I’ve battled in the past with unbelief but now I can place my trust in Him and His promises. These are just some of the changes that God has been doing in my life. Since I started working with the CR program I have received blessings that I never imagined before; patience, strength and the blessing of knowing other sisters in Christ who are walking with me in this recovery journey.  I can now encourage other believers by sharing about the many blessings I have received in my life since I decided to give my life to Christ.

Thank you and God bless you all.
*Names have been changed to protect their identity

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the inside: Connie

My name is Connie. I grew up in a Jehovah Witness home with my parents and my younger sister.  We were happy and I served God the way I was taught. I was married by the time I was 18 years old and started working in a liquor store.  My marriage didn’t last long and I started drinking at night while going through a divorce.  I remarried and suffered from domestic violence. This marriage ended in divorce also.

I depended on alcohol, drugs and spiritualism. I tried to get close to God the only way I knew but I had been shunned from the Jehovah Witness church - I was told I had not conformed to their rules.  I was no longer worthy of associating with other believers in the church. I was also told that if I tried to attend another church it was a sin, and this was a sin for which there was no forgiveness.

I got involved with the wrong group of people and my addiction progressed to the point that I was no longer able to work.  I started to go through dumps and graveyards and realized that I had reached my lowest point.

While driving, I hit a man and went to prison to serve a six month sentence. When I was released, I took my two children to an evangelical Christian church; they still continue to attend the same church.  Within a year I had relapsed.  My addiction was so sever I began living on the streets, drinking medicinal alcohol and stealing to survive. After trying to take my life I cried out to God with all my heart, I remember saying: "... I do not want to offend you again, today I want to do your will ... “ I felt led to give myself to the authorities for the crime I had committed.

I’m thankful that I am in prison as this is where I heard about Celebrate Recovery. This program has helped me to heal from the pain of my past and point me in the direction of a loving, forgiving God.  I am a new woman with a purpose and a strong desire to use my experience and my testimony to help others. Thanks to all who support the Celebrate Recovery program in any way; it really changed my life. 

God bless you and thank you for letting me share.

*Names have been changed to protect their identity.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Road to Recovery Newsletter: September 2016

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program.  It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.  This program is designed to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process.

We are completely bi-lingual with Step Studies on Tuesday evening and Large Group/Open Share Group meeting on Thursday evenings.

Tuesday evenings we dig deep as we work through the 8 choices of Celebrate Recovery in a small group setting. This is a safe place to open up, share and grow in your recovery walk. Because these groups share intimate details and go through the steps together the groups have a certain “open/close” date. For more information regarding the next open sessions please contact us.  We meet from 7pm – 9pm at Calvary Chapel Rosarito.

Thursday evenings start with a time of corporate worship, followed by announcements and a lesson or a testimony to listen to and then a time of meeting with a small group to discuss what was shared in the lesson. Thursday evenings are open to everyone.  On Thursday evenings we meet from 7pm – 9pm at Calvary Chapel Rosarito.

Jose and Merella's story
One or our Celebrate Recovery participants invited Merella to Celebrate Recovery. After asking a few questions about the program, she made mention that she was not an alcoholic or drug addict, and questioned why she should attend the program? During a Large Group meetings she recognized that Jesus Christ gave his life for her and accepted the free gift of salvation. Even though she was not a drug addict or an alcoholic she realized there were other hurts, habits and hang-ups in her life that she wanted to deal with.  Within weeks Merella and her husband Jose were baptized together. They have servant hearts and are a tremendous blessing to all that come in contact with them.

October 22, 2016 we will be hosting our 2nd Annual Celebrate Recovery Information Seminar.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our Bi-Lingual program.  If you are in the Rosarito area please join us for the day!

Back row: Cheryl, Karla, Lorena, Sharon
Front Row: Madi, Pastor Wendy, Melissa

These were the ladies who went into the Ensenada prison to minister to "Our Girls on the Inside".  It was all about sharing the love of Jesus as we celebrated Step Study Graduations.  Thank you St. Albert Alliance team for living out Matthew 25:36b, 39 & 40 ... I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Updates &
Prayer Requests

From East Tijuana to Ensenada, approximately 60 pastors and church leaders have received the Celebrate Recovery Step Study training. Please pray for them as they personally complete the 24 week step study and then open it up to their congregations so that healing can begin.

At Celebrate Recovery Calvary Chapel Rosarito we have just completed our third set of step studies.  Please pray for the new session of step studies as it begins on August 16th.

Celebrate Recovery
Summit 2016
What a joy it was to be able to gather with others who are also involved in a ministry we so dearly love. Our team came back to Mexico refreshed and ready to continue the good work we have been called to in helping others be set free from their hurts, habits and hang-ups. Please pray that God would continue to meet the needs of this ministry.

Your prayers, your love,
your encouraging words, your support ...
these never go unnoticed. 
Thank you!