Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the Inside: Natasha

My name is Natasha and I am a believer in recovery.  I struggle with my character.  Emptiness was what filled my life before I started the recovery process.  I was irresponsible.  My attitude towards others depended on who they were and what I needed – this was my attitude toward God as well. I was rude when I needed to be and good when I wanted to be.  When I abandoned my children to be fully involved in a lifestyle of being with multiple men was the lowest point in my life. This lifestyle is what brought me to prison.
A friend told me about the CR program brought to us by YUGO; it was in joining this group that I came to know God.  With my relationship in Him growing I feel confident and protected.  Through CR I have learned to recognize my mistakes and through God I receive guidance for my life. I am learning how to treat others as I would want to be treated. Everything has changed.  Now I can’t go to sleep without talking to Him first.  My trust is in God alone.

One of the benefits of being a part of the CR Program is that I feel better about myself and I have a place where I can open up and share what is on my heart. My life has begun to change and now I have the opportunity to share it with the other women here and with my family.

*names have been changed to protect their identity*

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