One Sunday morning Cheryl received an email from a complete stranger but in the end realized that our world is small and our God is HUGE.
My husband and I have traveled several times to Mexico since 2006. We became very close friends with a dear Mexican family and their adult children, particularly the beautiful, musically talented daughter Heather and her family. We've become close by walking with them through the darkest, toughest, most painful years of their lives. During this time Heather’s mom held fast to her faith in Jesus Christ.
Life kept crashing down around Heather and her mom but through the trials Heather kept a positive outlook. She left her verbally abusive husband and she became a single mother to her 3 kids aged 6, 8 and 13. Heather took her children to church with her mom, but she herself became like a boat without a rudder. Two years ago Heather got involved with another man and had her 4th child.
On April 28 of this year Heather was suddenly taken from her home by force, by the police and she's been in the Ensenada prison ever since. The wheels of Mexican Justice have been extremely slow, or non-existent, but God IS working behind the scenes. Since Heather’s incarceration, I've been in contact with her mom every 2-3 weeks. We do not have the means to bail her out, so we trust God and his perfect timing. We are trusting God to do His greater purpose and to do His perfect work in Heather, even behind the prison walls. Through all of this, we have seen several amazing "God-happenings". For example, very late one night, I was praying and crying for her. I asked God to wrap Heather in His arms right then and there, even if through a dream, to give her a reassurance of His care for her children.
ALL THIS TO SAY: On Monday, August 10, I connected with Heather’s mom. She was happy to report that she and the kids finally got to see Heather on Sunday [August 9]. Heather gave her mom a certificate for safe keeping. It was a Certificate of Baptism. Heather said that she had been baptized during the past month! What a delight for all of us to hear this and that it happened right there in the prison. Heather also told her mom that the decision to give her life to God was not another impulsive action but a real thought out decision.
This was my first time hearing that there were real Christian ministries serving within the prison! I was so intrigued by this that when I spoke with Heather’s mom, I had to ask her about the Baptism Certificate. She looked closely at the fine print on the bottom of the page and it said "bautizado por Celebremos La Recuperacion". Heather’s description helped reassure me that this was not an off-shoot cult group doing this in the prisons. I spent the better part of last night, and this evening, googling and learning about Celebremos La Recuperacion, all this to say THANK YOU for your ministry there. We're praising God for your partnership with Him in working inside the prison. I'm so glad I got to learn so much more about ministries in our beloved Mexico! The "Amazon Prison Ministry Wish List" and "Chad cutting toothbrushes" helped remind us, here in our comfort, of Heather’s reality! We needed that.
Linda & Nick
*names have been changed to protect their identity*