September 2014
Hello, my name is Jody Gonzales Kornelius and I live in Rosarito, Mexico with my husband Uriel and our son Jonathan; we are full time YUGO missionaries. I have the privilege of updating you with what God is doing within the Recovery Ministry. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the brand new Road to Recovery Newsletter. This quarterly newsletter is brought to you by the Women’s Prison and Celebrate Recovery Ministries. In it you will read real stories from real people of God’s amazing love; their testimonies will reveal God’s faithfulness and forgiveness.
After having recent surgery, I have come to realize that recovery doesn’t happen over-night, it’s not a sprint. Recovery is like running a marathon, it takes training, it takes time, patience, courage, faith and most importantly it takes GOD. In order to receive healing we must first come to terms with the fact that we cannot do it on our own – we need help. We. Need. God. I’m looking forward to sharing with you the stories of what God is doing in the lives of the women in the prison and those involved in Celebrate Recovery. It is our prayer that their journey of healing from their hurts, hang-ups and habits will be an encouragement to you.
In Christ,
updates & testimony:
updates & testimony:
GRADUATION DAY was July 14th. Volunteers from St. Albert Alliance Church helped serve at the event.
NEXT EVENT: September 8th, 9 of "Our Girls" on the inside are being baptized.
Praise the Lord!!
A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the inside
My name is Louisa
and I have spent the last 5 years in prison. When I first came to prison my mom
visited and told me that I deserved to be here; I had a lesson to learn - my
heart grieved. I was filled with fear and sadness. I was confused and
felt completely alone. I didn't want anything to do with God. The truth is, I
was angry at God and I didn’t want to pay the price for the damage I had
caused. I ended up in solitary confinement, when there I started reading my
bible and the Lord spoke to me. Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong
and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your
God will be with you wherever you go”. I started to talk with God. He
became my refuge, my comfort and my strength. I asked for forgiveness and now I
know that God has good plans for my life. I am so grateful even for being
in this place - by His grace, even though I am incarcerated, I am
experiencing freedom that can only be found in Christ. He watches over me and
provides for my needs. Before I knew the Lord I was sad, now I am filled with
joy. Thanks to the Celebrate Recovery Program and to the YUGO Group for helping
me with my physical and spiritual needs. I thank God for each of you, and
pray that God bless you always.
Your Sister in Christ,
**names have
been changed to protect identity**
August 17th the leaders and facilitators spent a lovely Sunday
afternoon having a picnic in the park. God has put together an
incredible team and a great time of fellowship was had by all. We even
found grass in Mexico!MOVIE NIGHT: August 29th at Calvary Chapel Rosarito we showed the movie "The Climb". Alfredo Gutierrez shared his testimony about what God has been doing in his life through CR. At the end of the evening we presented the Gospel and gave people the opportunity to accept the free gift of salvation. PRAISE THE LORD one man recommitted his life to Christ.
recognized shortly after starting the program that we could not just
babysit our participants’ children week after week, they needed
something more. CR has a children's program that has lessons that
coincide with the adults program. We purchased the materials and began
translating them into Spanish. As our participants continued through the
program, we started praying for a child care worker. Gods answer?
Esperanza! We praise God for answering our prayers and sending us a
woman who has a deep love for God and His precious little ones.
full set of Celebrate Recovery participants guides (4 books in total)
are $20 for the whole program. Some of our Mexican Nationals leave the
program after the first book due to lack of funds to continue. Pray for
sponsors to help others on the "Road to Recovery". If you are interested
in sponsoring a Mexican National with a set of participant guides or if
you would like to become a financial partner please click on this link
which will guide you to the YUGO Ministries giving page of their website
- please designate your funds to RECOVERY MINISTRY.
Did you know that the Mexican prison does not supply any personal items (shampoo, toilet paper, deodorant...) to the inmates?
Are you interested in helping to meet their needs?
have an Amazon Wish List where you can go online and purchase items.
These items will be sent directly to our National City office which is a
15 minute drive from the border. This means that your donated items
will be placed into the hands of those that need them much quicker. It
also means that you may go shopping whenever it is convenient for you.