Sunday, December 21, 2014

Road to Recovery - Year End Giving 2014

Just 2 weeks remain
to make your tax-deductible
donation for 2014.

Your donations make the work of the
Recovery Ministry possible. 

September 8th was an extra special day as nine of “Our Girls” on the inside were baptized. One week earlier Conchita responded to an alter call we gave in the prison. Her story is extra special as Conchita was a missionary for the Jehovah Witnesses for three years before she went to prison. It was beautiful to see her walk through the waters of baptism.

Lorena, Karla, Cheryl, Marina and Linda served "Our Girls" on the inside during the baptism event.



After 4 years of prayer, God has opened a door for our Recovery Team to partner with New Beginnings. This women’s discipleship home will continue the good work our team began in loving "Our Girls" on the inside. Women (and their children) will be fed spiritually, provided food, clothing, and medical care, taught basic literacy, trained and equipped with life skills. We are excited for this wonderful opportunity to see "Our Girls" gain confidence and self sufficiency away from the cycles of abuse and addictions. It is an honor to partner with the staff of New Beginnings helping “Our Girls” fulfill their dreams for a healthy future.  click HERE to learn more about New Beginnings

We are thankful for those 
God has handpicked to serve alongside us. 

It takes a committed team working in unison to reach the needs of those that attend the CR program. And a committed team we have!  We even have "Prayer Warriors" praying for our weekly prayer requests. Thank you for investing your energy into the lives of those acknowledging their hurts, habits and hang-ups. If you are interested in praying for the “Recovery Ministry” please contact us. We would love to have you as part of our team.

If you would like to become a financial partner please click on our "become a Financial Partner" link which will guide you to the YUGO Ministries giving page of their website - please designate your funds to RECOVERY MINISTRY.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Road to Recovery, Second Edition

December 2014
Greetings from the Recovery Team.

When I first came on board with the Recovery Team I was given a book to read. It's called Life's Healing Choices - Freedom from your Hurts, Hang-ups and Habits by John Baker. All I can say is WOW!  If there is one thing that I could encourage you to do is pick up this book and give it a read and then pass it on to a friend. This book is Celebrate Recovery in an easy to read format. There are 8 Choices that we all need to make while walking on the road of recovery.
1. Admitting Need - The Reality Choice
2. Getting Help - The Hope Choice
3. Letting Go - The Commitment Choice
4. Coming Clean - The Housecleaning Choice
5. Making Changes - The Transformation Choice
6. Repairing Relationships - The Relationship Choice
7. Maintaining Momentum - The Maintenance Choice
8. Recycling Pain - The Sharing Choice

While the book is an easy read I should clarify that the 8 steps are not easy to incorporate into your life - it's hard work.  I am slowly working through the chapters and would like to share with you a little about what I'm learning.

My attempts at trying to fix my life problems only end up making things worse. When will I learn that I am not God. There are times when I decide to have a 'pity party' and I'm the only one invited. I forget that I am a Daughter of The King.  I need to remember that I matter to God and that He has the power to heal me. This just fills me with hope.
God LOVES me.
God CARES about me.
God's love is not based on my performance; it's based on His character. Now, after learning that I AM NOT GOD and that I MATTER TO GOD here is the next step ... I need to commit my entire life and will to Christ's care and control. WHAT?!?! Say that again? I need to commit not just my entire life but my will too??? (yup, that's a hard one to swallow) Let's be honest here, am I truly willing to hand over every part of my life AND  my will to Christ? Do I really trust God to take care of everything? How often do I say (with good intentions), "here you go God, I'm letting go of this situation and placing it in your very capable hands" and then a moment later take it back and say, "nope, I'll handle this one thank you." I have read the Letting Go chapter numerous times now and I continue to struggle with it.
I guess it's a good reminder for me that healing doesn't happen overnight - this is an ongoing process that takes a kind of patience that can only come from God. Be encouraged - God is on our side!
 In Christ,
updates & testimony:

The Ladies (Sandra, Karla, Cheryl and Lorena)that go into the prison faithfully every Monday had "Christmas in September" where they put together the Christmas bags for the ladies on the inside. Talk about being ready for Christmas!!

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the inside: Lori

Lori is one of the youngest siblings of a large family.  Her dad was an alcoholic and died when she was 5 years old. Most of her brothers also have problems with drugs and alcohol. Two of her brothers were killed because of their drug problems. Lori’s mom turned into a bitter and resentful person when one of her brothers died in her arms. She is always talking about the past and how mean Lori’s father was to her, she constantly tries to spread her resentment to her children making Lori feel guilty. So Lori’s life was full of  bitterness, fear, resentment guilt and shame. She eventually got married. Lori and her husband both had dysfunctional backgrounds and each brought this to their marriage. They were not happy in their marriage as they didn’t know anything about God and they were living a worldly lifestyle. As things go, both she and her husband are now in prison. The Lord works in mysterious ways - Lori came to know the Lord through the Celebrate Recovery Program  and not only that, her husband, who is in the men’s area of the same prison, now knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. Every two months Lori and her husband are allowed to visit. During this time they encourage one another to remain strong and know that God has a purpose in bringing them to prison. The purpose is to continue to serve Him once they are released.
Sometimes it's hard to believe her husband’s words because he used to be selfish, proud and very jealous, but now he is full of love. He is a humble man and has asked her for forgiveness for everything he did to her in the past. He has hope in the future now because he knows that the Lord Jesus reigns in their hearts and in their marriage.

**names have been changed to protect identity**

On October 7th new Step Studies started. This is an exciting time as some groups completed all of their steps in time to start new groups.  Praise the Lord for continued healing!

October 19th we had a luncheon for all of the facilitators. This was a special time filled with fun and fellowship.  Tortas were consumed! Relationships were built stronger! God was glorified through it all!

~ Healing for those going through Celebrate Recovery.
~ Protection over our Facilitators and their families.
~ Rod and Cheryl Hoople, Recovery Ministry Coordinators, are traveling through Canada visiting churches and individuals in order to raise monthly partners (prayer and financial partners) in ministry. Please pray that God will bless their time and protect them on the roads.

Are you able to fill this need?
A full set of Celebrate Recovery participants guides (4 books in total) are $20 for the whole program.  Some of our Mexican Nationals leave the program after the first book due to lack of funds to continue. Pray for sponsors to help others on the "Road to Recovery". If you are interested in sponsoring a Mexican National with a set of participant guides or if you would like to become a financial partner please click on this link which will guide you to the YUGO Ministries giving page of their website - please designate your funds to RECOVERY MINISTRY.

Not sure what to get that person who seems to have everything for Christmas?
Here's an idea:

1. Go to our Amazon Wish List and purchase items on-line.
2. Print a picture of your purchase and place it in a Christmas card to give to your hard-to-shop-for loved one.


You can let them know that the Mexican prison does not supply personal items (such as shampoo, toilet paper, and deodorant) to the inmates. Your Christmas gift will be a gift that keeps on giving long after the decorations have been taken down.   

Monday, October 20, 2014

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the Inside: Belinda

My name is Belinda and I am a believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with anger and a bad attitude. Before starting Celebrate Recovery all I wanted to do was get high, have fun, and be with my friends .

Even though I went to church I did not have a relationship with God, truthfully, I did not believe in God.  All I cared about was where my next fix (drugs) would come from. My attitude towards others was disgusting, I took pleasure in humiliating those around me. The lowest point in my life was when accepted money for beating up some close friends.

It took coming to prison to realize how bad my life was. It was here that I started my recovery through the Celebrate Recovery program.  Today, I have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ which is affecting every aspect of my life.  I am learning to express my feelings in a healthier way. I actually enjoy living with the other inmates. I enjoy hearing the Word of God.

One of the many benefits I have learned through CR is how to talk to God, to pray and to be closer to Him. I feel that I have finally found peace. I am able to share God's Word with others - that He exists and that they can receive Him in their hearts ...TODAY.

**names have been changed to protect identity** 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Road to Recovery, First Edition

September 2014

Hello, my name is Jody Gonzales Kornelius and I live in Rosarito, Mexico with my husband Uriel and our son Jonathan; we are full time YUGO missionaries.  I have the privilege of updating you with what God is doing within the Recovery Ministry. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the brand new Road to Recovery Newsletter.  This quarterly newsletter is brought to you by the Women’s Prison and Celebrate Recovery Ministries.  In it you will read real stories from real people of God’s amazing love; their testimonies will reveal God’s faithfulness and forgiveness.
After having recent surgery, I have come to realize that recovery doesn’t happen over-night, it’s not a sprint. Recovery is like running a marathon, it takes training, it takes time, patience, courage, faith and most importantly it takes GOD.  In order to receive healing we must first come to terms with the fact that we cannot do it on our own – we need help. We. Need. God.   I’m looking forward to sharing with you the stories of what God is doing in the lives of the women in the prison and those involved in Celebrate Recovery. It is our prayer that their journey of healing from their hurts, hang-ups and habits will be an encouragement to you.

In Christ,
updates & testimony:
GRADUATION DAY was July 14th.  Volunteers from St. Albert Alliance Church helped serve at the event.
NEXT EVENT: September 8th, 9 of "Our Girls" on the inside are being baptized.
Praise the Lord!!

A testimony from one of "Our Girls" on the inside
My name is Louisa and I have spent the last 5 years in prison. When I first came to prison my mom visited and told me that I deserved to be here; I had a lesson to learn - my heart grieved.  I was filled with fear and sadness. I was confused and felt completely alone. I didn't want anything to do with God. The truth is, I was angry at God and I didn’t want to pay the price for the damage I had caused. I ended up in solitary confinement, when there I started reading my bible and the Lord spoke to me. Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”. I started to talk with God.  He became my refuge, my comfort and my strength. I asked for forgiveness and now I know that God has good plans for my life.  I am so grateful even for being in this place - by His grace, even though I am incarcerated,  I am experiencing freedom that can only be found in Christ. He watches over me and provides for my needs. Before I knew the Lord I was sad, now I am filled with joy. Thanks to the Celebrate Recovery Program and to the YUGO Group for helping me with my physical and spiritual needs.  I thank God for each of you, and pray that God bless you always.
Your Sister in Christ,
 **names have been changed to protect identity**
On August 17th the leaders and facilitators spent a lovely Sunday afternoon having a picnic in the park. God has put together an incredible team and a great time of fellowship was had by all. We even found grass in Mexico!

MOVIE NIGHT: August 29th at Calvary Chapel Rosarito we showed the movie "The Climb".  Alfredo Gutierrez  shared his testimony about what God has been doing in his life through CR.  At the end of the evening we presented the Gospel and gave people the opportunity to accept the free gift of salvation. PRAISE THE LORD one man recommitted his life to Christ.
We recognized shortly after starting the program that we could not just babysit our participants’ children week after week, they needed something more.  CR has a children's program that has lessons that coincide with the adults program.  We purchased the materials and began translating them into Spanish. As our participants continued through the program, we started praying for a child care worker. Gods answer? Esperanza! We praise God for answering our prayers and sending us a woman who has a deep love for God and His precious little ones.

A full set of Celebrate Recovery participants guides (4 books in total) are $20 for the whole program.  Some of our Mexican Nationals leave the program after the first book due to lack of funds to continue. Pray for sponsors to help others on the "Road to Recovery". If you are interested in sponsoring a Mexican National with a set of participant guides or if you would like to become a financial partner please click on this link which will guide you to the YUGO Ministries giving page of their website - please designate your funds to RECOVERY MINISTRY.

Did you know that the Mexican prison does not supply any personal items (shampoo, toilet paper, deodorant...) to the inmates?
Are you interested in helping to meet their needs?
We have an Amazon Wish List where you can go online and purchase items. These items will be sent directly to our National City office which is a 15 minute drive from the border.  This means that your donated items will be placed into the hands of those that need them much quicker. It also means that you may go shopping whenever it is convenient for you.